Black Elements in Taxi Driver

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Black Elements in Taxi Driver "The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence." --Thomas Wolfe, "God's Lonely Man" "Loneliness has followed me all my life. The life of loneliness pursues me wherever I go: in bars, cars, coffee shops, theaters, stores, sidewalks. There is no escape. I am god's lonely man."(Travis Bickle, "…

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…composed by the renowned composer Bernard Herrmann helps add more gloomy air to it. Every time I watch it, I feel myself shuttling between reality and illusion. No one could deny that it is a successful and "standard" film noir. An impressionistic montage of images on one of Travis' typical night drives accompanied with the seductive saxophone riff of Bernard Herrmann's jazzy will probably remain an eternal classic scene in a film noir fan's heart.