Black Boy vs Grapes of Wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Even though the books of Black Boy and Grapes of Wrath gave a vivid picture of the past American life to the readers regarding the socio-economic bigotry. Both books are similar in focusing the social and economic discrimination in the family setting. On Grapes of Wrath the California prejudice against the immigrants. Prejudice was a strong word, which leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. It is the prejudice against the migrant workers by the …

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…two lines of people at the ticket window, a "white" line and a "black" line," (55) This scenes was another form of racial discrimination. Another similarities was the Grapes of Wrath as a Communist Manifesto and at the time he wrote Black Boy, Wright was immersed in Marxist ideology and Communist party activities. The book was not a mere record of personal catastrophes, but a form of social protest intended to change the society he describes.