Birth of a City: The Affects of Canals on Holyoke, Massachusetts.

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Essay Database > History
The city of Holyoke is situated in the mid-western portion of Massachusetts . At one time, nearly 15,000 years ago, this area was situated at the bottom of an area of water known as Lake Hitchcock. Over time, the waters receded, leaving a double legacy--the alluvium rich soils which have supported a long history of agriculture in the Connecticut Valley, and the Connecticut River itself, the original motor of economic progress in the region. It is from …

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…and the canals and dams of which the river fed. It is not an easy matter to describe in words the scope of these plans or the great works which have been executed under them, but if an understanding of the advantages of Holyoke's location for manufacturing purposes and an appreciation of the vast system of improvements originated here by master minds in 1848 has been gained, the object of this essay will have been accomplished.