Birth Stones

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
From prehistoric shamans to modern consumerism birth stones have been a part of human life. Beginning as magical talismans, they have been used for thousands of years to cure the sick, strengthen the weak, and decorate the rich. Birth stones are a modern fad powered by the wisdom of history. In prehistoric times, every village had a shaman, or witch. The shaman would cast spells to do all sorts of things within the village. After …

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…felt it gave them strength. Topaz is found mainly in Brazil, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and China. Citrine is sometimes substituted for Topaz because it readily available and less expensive. (November) Turquoise--In the 16th century, turquoise was used as currency by the Southwest Indians. They believed the gemstone bring everyone good fortune. It has also been used in the preparation of cosmetics. Blue Topaz is a popular alternative for those who prefer faceted stones. (December)