Birth Control in High School
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Pages: 1
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Put birth control where it is needed, in high schools. Teen pregnancy is at an all time high. About one million teenagers become pregnant each year in the United States. The average age at which a United States adolescent has sexual intercourse is sixteen.
Out of one hundred percent of teenagers, only forty percent use a condom. I believe that if high schools distribute condoms, the use of protection will increase. Since most teenagers engage
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If birth control was available at high schools, teenagers would have it accessible when they consider to take part in sexual activity. Most parents probably think that if high schools give out protection, they are just telling their teenagers that it is okay to have sexual intercourse. From my point of view as a teenager, I think that it will help us out a lot, because some teenagers do not have access to get protection.
If birth control was available at high schools, teenagers would have it accessible when they consider to take part in sexual activity. Most parents probably think that if high schools give out protection, they are just telling their teenagers that it is okay to have sexual intercourse. From my point of view as a teenager, I think that it will help us out a lot, because some teenagers do not have access to get protection.