Birds: Their Habits and Behaviour

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Birds :Their habits and behaviour. Distinctive characters of birds : 1.<Tab/>Birds are feather clad, air breathing, warm blooded, oviparous and bipedal flying vertebrates. 2.<Tab/>They have a streamlined spindle shaped body that helps them to fly in air. 3.<Tab/>The bird's body is divisible into 4 distinct parts - head, tail, neck and trunk. 4.<Tab/>The entire body of birds …

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…Warning calls :- Most of the singing is done by the male birds. It serves 2 main functions :- a)<Tab/>Defending territory, b)<Tab/>Attracting and stimulating females to mate. The birds give alarm calls when they sight a dangerous predator, like, kites, hawks, etc. The alarm calls of different species sound quite similar and different species of birds understand and respond to each other's alarm calls.