Biomechanics of golf.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
1.0 Introduction This report will biomechanically analyse the golf swing of three students. From this analysis, I will rank the students for the distance and accuracy attainable from their swings. Following this will be a biomechanical and an anatomical justification explaining the reasons for these rankings. I will then draw a conclusion highlighting the important factors and correct techniques required for an accurate and distant golf drive. 2.0 Biomechanical Analysis 2.1 Golfer 1- Andrea Graham Golfer 1, Andrea Graham, …

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…Maintaining a long lever throughout the swing can have a major effect on the distance achieved. The acceleration of the downswing and the velocity at which the club hits the ball can also affect the distance. The most important factors for accuracy are the flattening of the arc, position of the golf ball in relation to stance, having a 45-degree angle of release and the force applied to the golf ball, which establishes its path.