Biology essay on feedback mechanisms

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Homeostasis is the 'maintenance of equilibrium in a biological system by means of an automatic mechanism that counteracts influences tending towards disequilibria'. Homeostatic mechanisms operate at all levels within living systems, including the molecular, cellular, and population levels. in humans homeostasis involves the constant monitoring and regulating of numerous factors including, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, nutrient and hormone levels and inorganic and organic substances. The concentrations of these substances in the body fluid remain …

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…the vicious cycle of positive feedback and can only lead to death if not stopped Overall, homeostasis is a very important mechanism, and complex systems must have homeostasis to maintain stability to survive. The thickening of fur in winter, the darkening of skin in sunlight, the seeking of shade in heat, and the production of more red blood cells at high altitude are all examples of adaptations animals can make in order to maintain homeostasis