Biology Storybook/Report

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
The WASD Organism Recently a virus was discovered that caused no apparent harm but caused compulsive gaming. This virus is the result of many years of mutation and non-random mating. After thousands of years of lying dormant mutations caused the virus to become active in hundreds of people worldwide. The genes are in a constant state of mutation, which can cause an unknown reaction. The gene is pictured bellow. The driving force for this virus …

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…We can only hope that we can stay ahead of it. Labs have looked at the virus and have found that it is now infecting the people who had developed a resistance to the virus. We are locked into a never-ending cycle of mutations. In time it may be possible to destroy this virus, but only time will tell. Maybe one-day people will be immune to WASD but as with many things we don't know.