Biology Practical to study the Osmosis effects of Sucrose solutions of different Molarities upon Plant Cells (Chinese Radish and Potato Chips)

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
An Experiment to investigate Osmosis in Plant Cells Aim The aim of this experiment is to investigate the movement of water by osmosis in and out of plant cells across a semi permeable membrane in sucrose solutions of different concentrations. The plant cells used in the experiment are potato and Chinese radish tissues that are used as chips because the results and changes are easy to note and record in this way. As plant cell …

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…results because different parts of the potato contain different concentrations of water and salts. This problem can be overcome by cutting the chips from several potato's that have been grown in identical conditions in the same place of each potato. Such further work would provide stronger links of conclusion better, more accurate results and extent the experiment to several further level thus giving more patterns and extending knowledge and understanding of osmosis in plant cells.