Biology Osmosis
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Words: 1766
Pages: 6
(approximately 235 words/page)
Pages: 6
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Before actually planning the experiment, I will do some research to find out about osmosis, and matters related to it, so that I can make predictions. And figure out a way to make this investigation fair and safe.
Planning ahead would help me find out how to do what, when, which should lead me to good results at the end of the experiment.
Osmosis is the passage of water molecules from a weaker
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of results and the average taken out of the three. The increase/decrease of the weight is calculated by taking the weight after, minus the weight before. The percentage increase/decrease of the weight of the potato is calculated by taking the weight increase/decrease divided by the original weight multiplied by a hundred. This should help us lead to a more accurate result, and the average percentage will be used to present the graph
of results and the average taken out of the three. The increase/decrease of the weight is calculated by taking the weight after, minus the weight before. The percentage increase/decrease of the weight of the potato is calculated by taking the weight increase/decrease divided by the original weight multiplied by a hundred. This should help us lead to a more accurate result, and the average percentage will be used to present the graph