Biogrophy of Dostoevsky

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Fyodor Dostoevsky drew upon his many hardships and life experiences in order to instill a sense of realism and truth into the novel Crime and Punishment. He bases many of the characters in the novel on his own life. By incorporating his own life challeges into the novel, there is a greater sense of personal reflection and emotional honesty. This is what brings the story to life. Perhaps one of the greatest occurences that influenced …

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…same problem of being poor. He struggles to find enough to eat. This was the same thing that Dostoevsky went through. He decided to express his views and experiences being destitute through Raskolnikov. Every great writer incorporates his or her own life experiences into their work. Dostoevsky was no exception to this rule. Because Dostoevsky based many of the main theme elements and character traits on himself, Crime and Punishment was a book of realism.