Biography of Winslow Homer

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Winslow Homer: Master of Water Color Winslow Homer is widely regarded as one of the forerunners of the great nineteenth-century American Painters. Homer was a New Englander by birth and long ancestry. Circa 1636, Captain John Homer, an Englishman living in the west of England and active in maritime shipping, immigrated to America. He settled in Massachusetts where, almost two centuries later, his descendant Winslow Homer was born in Boston on February 24th 1836. Winslow grew up …

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…the paintbrush, and hardly debatable. He painted with such vision, that you could actually feel yourself in the boat with the fellow in the painting Fog Warning. You could feel the sense of worry and the tense blood coursing through his veins. He kept to his sense of self-isolation for his entire life, never marrying or having children, and still remains today as one of the greatest American painters to ever pick up a brush.