Biography of Upton Sinclair

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Upton Sinclair was known as a strong socialist and wrote political, religious, and educational books that continue to impact the views of capitalism, today. He wrote in many genres, often advocating Socialist views, and achieving popularity in the early twentieth century. Upton was born in Baltimore, Maryland on September 20th, 1878. His father was a poor alcoholic, while the rest of his family was wealthy. He argued that witnessing the two extremes in his childhood evolved …

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…lost, but he began a group called EPIC (End Poverty in California) and gained support from the people. One of his last novels, Dragon Teeth, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1942. He had published more than ninety books by the time he died, November 25, 1968. Upton Sinclair was a successful writer, politic, and socialist. Though all of these topics were lines that defined his life, his passion was writing which is portrayed in all of his works.