Biography of Samuel Gompers(first person)

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Hello, my name is Samuel Gompers and I am here to discuss with you all about my life. In January 27, 1850 I was born in a London, England, son of Solomon and Sarah Gompers, both originally from Amsterdam. I was the oldest among my five brothers. In my first home, my family and I lived on the ground floor of London while my grandparents lived on the top floor with their four daughters. When six years …

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…as the U.S. delegate to various international labor conferences, including the Paris Peace Conference. In December 1924, while attending the Pan American Federation of Labor meeting in Mexico City, Gompers became ill and was rushed back to El Paso, Texas where he died on December 13. He maintained the journal until he had died and wrote many articles in his dedication to the working class before his death to secure the rights of the American worker.