Biography of Hugo Wolf

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Hugo Wolf was born in 1860 in the great country of Austria. Slovenia, his home town is where he found interest in music. As a young child, Wolf practiced with the violin, the piano, and the organ. He was very skilled at his age and had the rest of his life to perfect his skill. He was deemed one of the Worlds greatest Romantic song composers of his time. Wolf composed more than two-hundred pieces of …

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…was young, he always dreamed about composing an opera. He soon realized that operas where much harder than he had expected. After five years of work, at age thirty-five, Wolf completed his first opera. Der Corregidor was the name but it fell to be unsuccessful. Frustration and anger was building inside of Wolf for his goals had fallen short of perfection. This led to his illness which finally killed him as he was deemed insane.