Biography of Benjamin Franklin

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Benjamin Franklin was one of the greatest Americans of all time. Benjamin Franklin led a very interesting life. He was the tenth of seventeen children. He learned the printing business from his brother, ran away at the age of seventeen, eventually married, started up his own stores, bought his own newspaper, wrote "Poor Richard's Almanack", invented swimming flippers and bifocals, was brought international fame through his studies with electricity and lightening, got involved with politics …

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…of 84. 20,000 people attend his funeral at the Philadelphia Christ Church Burial Ground. Ben Franklin was one of the most influential Americans of all time. He was one of the "Founding Fathers", we have his picture on the one hundred dollar bill, and he helped to write the Declaration of Independence. He was involved with almost every major political action during the time that he was alive, and still would be if he were alive today.