Biography of Aaron Ralston, a survivor story

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Outdoors
Aaron Ralston It was either an arm, or death, and Aaron Ralston chose to live, that day in April. In 2003 Aaron had taken a hiking trip, alone in the mountains in the Blue John Canyon in Utah. It wasn't his first hiking trip, nor the last, Ralston really enjoys the outdoors. In order to survive his incident that day on his hiking trip, Ralston had to cut off his own arm. While climbing down a …

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…and still goes on hiking trips, he just makes sure to inform people of his whereabouts and tries not to go by himself. Aaron now receives between $20 000 and $25 000 per interview he gives, but he would rather still have his arm than have money he says. He is very fortunate to still have his life, and this 27 year old man from Englewood Colorado, is proud to have cheated death and is considered a hero to many.