Biography: Gary Soto

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Gary Soto was born in Fresno, California on April 12, 1952. Although his grandparents were born in Mexico, his parents were California natives. Gary's parents spoke primarily English but he learned to speak Spanish from his relatives. Gary Soto's father, Manuel Soto, was severely injured in an industrial accident and died two days later when Gary was only five. His father's death forced the family into poverty. Gary's mother, Angie Soto, was forced to work long, hard …

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…His first book of poetry, The Elements of San Joaquin, was published in 1977. The book won several awards. Also in 1977 Soto began teaching at the University of California at Berkley. Gary and his wife had a daughter Mariko. Soto continued his professorship until 1991 when he quit so he could write and visit schools full-time. Gary continued to win several awards for his books. He now lives in Berkeley with his family and continues to write.