Bioethics Case Study Review

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Bioethics Case Study Family Wishes and Harm to the Patient Ethical Analysis Situational Awareness We are aware of the following facts in Katherine's case: 1.Katherine is in a comatose state. After arresting several times, she remained comatose and presumably irreversibly unconscious. After other complications, her state progressed to slow multisystem failure. She was beyond the capability of experiencing the burden of pain by her vegetative state 2.Katherine had not made it clear by written directives …

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…raises the question of the proxy's ability to insist on treatment considered medically inappropriate. In this case, the family isn't totally adamant on the continuation of the treatment. There is no sign that a suggestion or opposition by the doctor would cause extreme controversy. Perhaps reasonable members would be able to help the others see it this way. The doctor is obligated, especially following the decisions after paralysis, to offer the more reasonable ethical option.