Bioethics Cloning

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The biological definition of a clone is an organism that has the same genetic information as another organism or organisms (Nash, 62-65). From this definition and from information about the science behind cloning, my current view on cloning is that it is ethical, but should not be used until perfected. This statement ignores information about how we can misuse cloning and what consequences occur when the procedure is unsuccessful. I doubt however that we will …

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…more research. Research that involves human cloning is the hardest of the ethical and moral dilemmas to resolve. Currently, even in the case of animal cloning, the extreme inefficiency and cost of the procedures inhibit the true benefits that make it worthwhile. If the ethical issues of cloning included resolving the lack of respect for the lives of animals and humans, it would be more acceptable to allow technology to advance in this promising area.