Bio of a streesed teen

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
"Changing is good"everyone says, but what happens when you're not ready at all for these changes ? What happens when your just in the middle of happiness when all of a sudden they force you to change not once but many different times your closest friends, style, customs, culture, school, family and even your language. It's an experience I've had to go through and hated since I have memory. When I was 4 years old my …

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…I have heard my 3 older brothers say "Im fortunate to have been brought up in a great family". Hearing those words always makes me feel as the black sheep of the family. My brothers always had my dad there when they needed him. He was always there to play sports, to talk to them, to educate them, to help them out, but yet I cant say I had any of those attentions from my dad.