Bio of a Space Tyrant

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Piers Anthony?s epic novel Bio of a Space Tyrant acts as a macrocosm of the treatment of refugees and their journeys to freedom. At the time of its creation in the early 1980?s, the novel represents the Vietnamese ?boat people? more specifically, but can still stand for what refugees of all times and from all parts of the world have gone through and continue to go through. Through five volumes, the main character, Hope …

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…gone through for decades. Piers Anthony, the author of the novel, said in his autobiography, ?When I was appalled by the horrors experienced by?Vietnamese refugees, I retold their story in a novel, Refugee, setting it in space in the future? (Anthony, Bio of an Ogre 286). The refugees in the novel and in real life have had to deal with political persecution, pirates, rape, and even being turned away from their final destination ? their freedom.