Bio-ethics and Genetic Engineering

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Bioethics Outline: Thesis: It is my belief that genetic engineering has promise to better mankind, and it is our ethical obligation to research it but not exploit it. There is a need to have a morally correct legislation that guides the way science develops this. Outline: I. Social a) Personal Privacy i. Individual rights b) Society i. Implication on society II. Religious a) Religious concerns b) Different religion views III. Medical Benefits a) What are …

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…as opposed to hypothetical) risks. Yet for several years we postponed important experiments on the genetic basis of cancer, for example, because we took much too seriously spurious arguments that the genes at the root of human cancer might themselves be dangerous to work with. (Watson 91) If the fields of biogenetics and ethics can work together, incorporating each other principles the field of biogentics will revolutionize the world and make it better place for all.