"Billy Budd, Foretopman" by Herman Mellville.

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Captain Vere Deals With his Burden of Knowledge On the ship, Indomitable, in Billy Budd, Foretopman, by Herman Mellville, Vere, the captain, gains the burden of knowledge, much like a man who finds a dying deer on the side of the road. Once he examines the deer, he realizes it bears child and must decide what to do with it. Captain Vere sees Billy, the foretopman, kill Claggart, the master-at-arms, albeit even by accident, he …

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…Vere dealt justly with the situation involving Billy Budd and Claggart. Sending Billy to die followed the sea ruling at that time. If he didn't condemn Billy, the crew would see this action as an act of mutiny and actually mutiny themselves. Vere did not just kick the pregnant deer off the side of the road, but he made the painful decision to kill the young so they would not have to suffer any longer.