Bill Gates' life, achievments, and influences on the world throught his donations.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
"Microsoft has always been focused on unlocking the power of computing to help people realize their full potential," said Bill Gates at the 2003 International Consumer Electronics Show. William (Bill) H. Gates is not only the chief software architect of the Microsoft Corporation, he is also the most charitable man alive. Gates has donated money to charities and those in need all around the world, from Las Angeles to India. Bill Gates is the founder and …

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…What if Oyster Bay was desperately in need of computers, libraries, and vaccines? Bill Gates, one of the most influential men on earth could bring everything to us in a flash. He started his dream by making himself a billionaire and then he began to influence the rest of the world with his kindness and charity. Bill Gates led to a new era of not only technology but to a new era of human life.