Bill Clinton

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Bill Clinton William Jefferson Blythe IV was born on Aug. 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. His father, who was an automobile-parts salesman, died in an automobile accident three months before Bill was born. When Bill was 2 years old his mother, Virginia Cassidy, went to nursing school in New Orleans, La. She sent Bill to live with his grandparents, Eldridge and Edith Cassidy, who owned and operated a grocery store. His mother returned when Bill was 4, and three …

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…mid-July. The withdrawal from the race of Texan H. Ross Perot immediately improved Clinton's standing. As soon as the convention was over Clinton and Gore left New York City and headed west for a series of campaign bus trips. The strategy of identifying with middle-class America and emphasizing concern for jobs and health care paid off. Although Perot reentered the race in October, he had little effect on Clinton. On November 3 Clinton was elected president.