Bill C-36: Canada

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Essay Database > History
In response to the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11 2001, the government of Canada has proposed new anti-terrorism legislation known as Bill C-36. It is clear that Bill C-36 challenges many rights and freedoms that are protected under the Charter we as Canadians value so highly. This bill consists of several changes and amendments to Canadian law in areas such as criminal procedure, international relations, immigration, individual privacy, law enforcement, and charitable giving. These …

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…of national security must go through a series of checks and balances, but they must be in place when it comes time to enforce them. As outlined by Anne McLellan, Bill C-36 is not an emergency piece of legislation. It is a combination of UN conventions and a realization that acts of terrorism will only be effectively prevented through a scale that nations are just beginning to comprehend with the heightened threat of international terrorism#.