Bilingual education should be allowed in schools

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
<Tab/>America has never designated an official language because there is a common assumption that we have been an essentially monolingual nation. This is because a vast majority of American citizens spoke English as their primary or native language; and immigrants who migrate to the US, learn to speak English as well. However, after the 1960's the immigration rate to the United States from countries such as Mexico has risen tremendous. …

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…bilingual education debates that, the English only is a "mean spirited attempt to coerce Anglo-conformity by terminating essential services in other languages. The amendment poses a treat to civil rights, educational opportunities and free speech, even in the private sector". They believe that English only is an insult to the heritage of cultural minorities. "Worst of all, the English Only Movement serves to justify racists and activists biases under the cover of American patriotism". (pg2)