Bilingual Education in U.S. Public Schools 7-pages research paper

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Today schools throughout the United States have to deal with a growing number of students speaking different languages. The need of educational reform has prompted a great deal of debate among educators and policymakers. Bilingual education system was first introduced in the 60-th as an alternative way to solve social problems at the time when ethnic pride movement supporters insisted all ethnic subcultures should be treated equally. The program's original goal was to offer minority …

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…Proquest. DeVry University, Federal Way, WA. 13 Jan 1004. <http:\>. Wood, Daniel B. "Next Big Push From California: No Bilingual Education". The Christian Science Monitor United States. July 30, 1997. Jan 30, 2003. <>. Zehr, Mary Ann. "Education Week Study Gives Advantage To Bilingual Education Over Focus on English." Education Week 23:21 (Feb 4, 2004):10.Proquest. DeVry University, Federal Way, WA. 14 Jan 2004. <http:\>.