"Big Fish"------reality versus fantasy

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Big Fish"------reality versus fantasy Which is better to believe in? Fantasy or reality? Actually they are not a pair of binary oppositions, instead they coexist. Let us try to look for the answer based on the recent movie: Big Fish as a text to thought about this question more thoroughly. First, let me clarify what does fantasy and reality mean for the general public. Fantasy is circumscribed by imagination and is "inner" to us. …

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…his father's story, to his child. In that way, the fantasy passed on from one people to another, from one generation to the next and becomes a real legend. Just like what the ending of the film has told us, reality and fantasy are not opposite to one and other. They are overlapped and correlated. And only by finding a balanced the point between them can give us a better life to live and remember.