'Big Brother' persuasive writing newspaper article

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Essay Database > Literature
Easily the most successful channel 4 television programme earning countless millions for the channel, company Endemol, and contestants. Big Brother was a success from series 1 with 4.5 million viewers, but does popularity prove that Big Brother is good television? In a survey, 20% of the people I asked said they watched the show but didn't think that it was a good programme. Nearly every child goes into school talking about 'last nights BB' and discussing the issues of …

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…pig? I didn't think so. Also it wastes peoples days, you can switch onto E4 and suddenly realise you have been watching someone sleeping for hours, maybe it is the fact that it is real life that we cant seem to tear ourselves away from it. Bad language, drinking and sex Is what our children are seeing on the telly and thinking its ok to swear and get drunk. Big Brother is not good television.