Big Brother is Watching You.

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The year is 1984, or perhaps better put analogously as a time in the not-too-distant future, where England, or what is now known as Airstrip One is in a state of perpetual war. Indeed the whole of Oceania, a super-state comprising all the European nations, North America as well as Australia, is continually at war with one of the other two super-states, Eurasia and Eastasia. Oceania is ruled by the Party, led by a figure called …

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…secondary schools, containing concepts with profound historical and political significance (though written in a clear, easy-to-follow language). A text such as this would well be worth analysing in both literary and philosophical senses. With such substantial impact on society since its first publication with words and concepts such as Newspeak, the memory hole, totalitarianism and of course the sinister Big Brother, Nineteen Eighty-Four is definitely on of the most significant books of the 20th Century.