Biblo Baggins of "The Hobbit" by J. R. R. Tolkien Character Analysis.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Bilbo Baggins in the novel, The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, is a clever character. In the beginning of the tale, the dwarfs considered Bilbo as a worthless grocer rather than a burglar (Tolkien 18). Later on in their journey, the dwarfs gave Bilbo more respect because of the many times he saved them from the obstacles they faced. He is a hero, some might say. The first thing that anyone would think of when …

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…Goblins as the foes of all (252). As a result, Bilbo helped the dwarfs several times on their adventure. The dwarfs did not expect much from Bilbo, but without him, they most likely would not have survived. Bilbo is a witty hero. He does not fight, but teases his opponents. He uses his intelligence to overcome many difficulties. He is not like the modern type heroes, but he has the characteristics of one to be appreciated.