Bias Essay: This essay is adressing the question of whether one can tell a story with or without a bias.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Can a story be told without a bias? Yes. Just as people can argue one point until they convince everyone they are talking to, people can also tell a story without a biased opinion. Although people can have opinions concerning a given subject, it is possible for that same person to tell a story without their bias shining through. For example, the book Snow Mountain Passage, by James D. Houston and the present situation in …

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…life when we read a textbook, a news article, listen to a television program; we encounter many different situations that we form an opinion about. It is good for every individual to have their own opinion on various topics. However, it is important to have an educated opinion, and that can only be achieved by understanding that for every reaction there is an action, and to every once in a while, ask the question: why?