Beyond the Storm, Book Review. Take 2. Sorry, this is the text of the paper that was missing before. My apologies. -AoE Note: Footnotes missing, Orig is an attachment.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
Beyond the Storm, but Not Beyond the Typical Arab Hatred Until the recent tragedy of September 11, and the full assault of the American military upon the terrorist network of Osama bin Laden, the most argued conflict still lingered in the minds of the world--particularly the Middle East. Desert Storm, the "American" answer to Saddam Hussein's 1990 invasion of Kuwait, was by no means as controversial as Vietnam was in the United States, but around the world, …

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…to grasp how the Arabs themselves feed this misconception--they hate Israel, they fight amongst themselves over Islamic practice differences and oil, and follow leaders who openly proclaim their intent to destroy Israel and America. Sure, read this book, let the anger lie within, and when we are next sent to the Middle East to simply secure our oil interest, you will be guaranteed to enjoy your 'turkey shoot' like all the evil Westerners before you.