"Beyond Vietnam", Martin Lutker King Jr.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
In both the speech "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" by reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and "Bowling for Columbine" by Michael Moore, a view of the collective spirit of America is created and presented to the listener, that can be used to explain some detrimental characteristics of America. Michael Moore uses his film, "Bowling for Columbine", to show the American spirit as being too violent and uses guns as his example with the …

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…and rifles would not solve their problems." to support this presumption. Michael Moore's documentary Bowling for Columbine has several very moving Vignettes in it. I found the most powerful, and the one that made me question my beliefs the most was the one that talked about how the six year old boy killed the six year old girl over a toy, and it showed how truly there is a problem with gun control in America.