Beyond September 11: The Road to a Civilized Society. This was a complete opinionated and argumentative paper I was assigned to write in March 02. No references---just my babble.

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On Tuesday September 11, global terrorism struck in the homeland and at the headquarters of globalization; therefore, allowing hyper-terrorism to lay bare the vulnerability of hyper-power. The targets were the symbols of economic vitality and the citadel of freedom. The split-screen TV images--the World Trade Center alongside the Pentagon, with rolling news headlines along the bottom of the screen--are a metaphor for the dividing split in history: the age of innocence before, and the world of …

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…and value systems thrive within the "West," so there are many who honor Islam against the tiny minority who sometimes dishonor it--or hide behind it. The fight against terrorism is a war with no frontiers, against enemies who know no borders and have no scruples. If we abandon our ideology, we descend to their level. Instead we must talk to, and welcome into, the concert of civilized communities believers in moral values from all faiths.