Beyond Grief

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the article "Beyond Grief: A Guide to Reconciling Life After Loss", Ardath Rodale and Sharon Stocker talk about different aspects of the grieving process. Grief over the death of a loved one is a natural process that everyone must experience. But, according to Rodale and Stocker, the culture in the US does not always allow people are allowed to grieve, they will not be able to reconcile themselves to the changes in their lives …

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…with the natural world. They note that in the past we did grieve properly, but because of our current frenetic state of living, we do not allow ourselves the time to. they also seem to argue that in times of crisis we need to take the time from our hectic lives to remind ourselves that we indeed are part of a much larger event. By doing so, we also give ourselves the time to grieve.