Betty Friedan's Biography.

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Betty Friedan's Biography Betty Friedan was born on February 4, 1921 in Peoria, Illinois. Her original name was Betty Naomi Goldstein. She was born a year after women won the right to vote. Betty was the first of Harry and Miriam Goldstein's three children. Her father was a Russian Jewish immigrant who sold jewelry and her mother was a newspaperwomen. Harry and Miriam taught Betty to do her best in everything she did. When she grew up, …

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…getting equal pay. Throughout the country, women were being accepted into colleges that use to be for men only and many changes were happening in the workplace, because of NOW. In 1970 Betty Resigned her role as president of NOW. Betty Friedan was named Humanist of the year in 1975. Through the 1970s, 1980s, and the 1990s, Betty taught at many universities. She also campaigned for the Equal Rights Amendment. Friedan continues to write, lecture, and teach.