Betrayal of the Native Americans

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Thanksgiving has lost most of its original meaning. Originally it was the day we celebrated the goodness that the Native American Indians shared with the original New Englanders the day they arrived. But now it has become just a stepping-stone for Christmas. It was not so long ago when my family would get together and plan what we would bring, whom we were to invite, and what types food we wanted to serve that day. …

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…taken a backseat to Christmas. Just a few years ago the commercialization of Christmas was exploited when it was reported that Christmas was originally a pagan celebration. This exploit is just another slap in the face of the Native American who continues to passively sit still while enduring the transgressions of the United States. The Native Americans taught us how to share on that first Thanksgiving. Two Hundred years later we still haven't given back.