Bertolt Brech and Galileo. This essay addresses bertolt's play Galileo. This essay tells how bertolt brecht uses the story of Galileo to speak to the urgent questions of his own time.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The story of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht was for the most part a historically accurate telling of the life of Galileo. Brecht's story of Galileo's life is filled with him succumbing to the authorities no matter what his beliefs may be. This is similar to the lifestyle in Germany about the time Brecht had written this play. Born in Augsburg, Germany in 1898 Brecht began writing at an early age. Writing was not his only interest, …

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…did not do this he would have ended up as a dead man. It was not a cowardly move, but more of a sneaky one. By recanting his statements he was able to continue his life of science and pursue even more scientific theories as well as the one he had already made. Galileo was able to pass on his teachings and today he is remembered as a genius way ahead of his own time.