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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Beowulf is the first classic piece of English Literature and the best-known Anglo-Saxon work. This epic poem is set in an area thought to be Scandinavia, a place in Europe prior to the arrival of Christianity. The original author of Beowulf has never been identified, or established his direct reasons for creating such an epic piece. This poem was originally an oral piece, it was written down in Old English approximately around 700 a.d.; (Sparknotes) …

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…by scholars it is difficult to gain a lot of historical knowledge from this poem. However, some knowledge is obtained such as that of language, more specifically Old English, also what was valued at a the time when this poem was written being the warrior culture and heroic code. Beowulf is a great epic poem, a fantastic story of war, passion, and heroism, a poem that is read and analyzed though classrooms across the country.