Beowulf and Sir Gawain's Heroism, as a Literary Archetype.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In examination of literature, one may notice many different and reoccurring archetypes that give shape to many of our favorite characters in history and the present. These archetypes often follow patterns of similarity, but can be most interesting because of their variances. One of the most prevalent archetypes in literature, throughout history is "The Hero", and the basic character traits which a hero may posses. Although different societies may reveal their own individual ideologies through …

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…are still prevalent in today's literature. Honor, being a key trait of a hero, fuels a sense of duty, which requires bravery to complete. These key traits take Beowulf, Sir Gawain, and many other heroic characters in literature on personal journeys of growth, maturation, and adventure. And on this journey encountering some very human errors, making the reader realize that even the most exemplary personalities will inevitably falter at some point, it's simply human nature.