Beowulf: Pagan Tale With Christian Additives

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
By Lee A Zito Beowulf, a poem that dates back to approximately 1000 A.D., demonstrates heroic ideals of the Anglo-Saxon people. The poem is of pagan origin and was orally passed through generations until written down in Old English as a manuscript. Both the author and transcriber are unknown, although it is logically believed that the transcriber was most likely a monk or holy man because clergy were the only people who were educated during …

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…Christian one as well. Beowulf is a legendary tale, one that is read over and over by many readers who enjoy the adventurous epic. This is definitely one thing that can not be denied of this classic poem. As for the dual religious beliefs, it may tend to throw readers off, but certainly does not deter the bigger picture. The tale certainly started off pagan, and indeed remained pagan, only with added elements of Christianity.