Benjamin Franklin and his Life long Story" I will write as if i am Benjamin to make it better understood. expect in the hook Sentence. Also i will name what am, talking about.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Ben Franklin's personal ideas about economy helped to shape our country's economy. We are lucky that they did because Franklin believed that the only true way to wealth was through hard work. This noble idea became the soul of the "American Dream," the idea that all people are created equal and each person has the same opportunity to achieve success. Ben used his printing skills to print paper money, helping to establish the paper currency …

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…Soon, I became the most active printer in the colonies and was appointed the official printer of Pennsylvania. My duties included printing money, laws, and documents for the colony. I then became the public printer for Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland. I also helped establish newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and two islands in the West Indies. Thank you please take a look at the pictures i think they went throw am not entirely sure