Benjamin Franklin

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Benjamin Franklin is known for many things. He is widely known as an inventor and statesman. As an inventor he is known for his Kite flying experiment. As a statesman, Benjamin's greatest contribution was the work he did on the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, 1706; old style calendar January 6, 1706.(1) When he was born England still ruled the thirteen colonies that made up America. Later in his life, trouble started …

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…Benjamin Franklin did both, America has never forgot him. With these words of wisdom he lived by writing as much as he possibly could and did even more. From being a scientist, inventor, statesman, printer, philosopher, musician, and a economist, he has become a very famous man. Benjamin Franklin played a big role in making the nation that we live into today, from his contribution in writing the Declaration of Independence, to being an inventor.