Benjamin Franklin

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was an amazing man. He once said "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing." He lived the words to the fullest by writing as much as possible and doing even more. He became famous for being a scientist, an inventor, a statesman, a printer, a philosopher, a musician, and a economist. He was …

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…them. Ben used his printing skills to print paper money, helping to establish the paper currency system in America. Today, we honor Ben's contribution to the economy every time we use a $100 bill: Ben's face appears on it. In conclusion, Benjamin Franklin was a great man with many talents which included being a scientist, an inventor, a statesman, a printer, a philosopher, a musician, and a economist. He was also one of the founding fathers.