Benjamin Franklin

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
January 17th, 1706 Abiah and Josiah Franklin were blessed with the birth of a baby boy, a boy who would grow up to be a great man. A writer, an inventor, a scientist, a diplomat, and a man that would play a major role in shaping the world he lived in .His name was Benjamin Franklin. Josiah was a Englishman who moved to Boston in 1683. He was a candle and soap maker and the father to …

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…only fitting that we shouldremember him by the epitaph that he wrote for himself at the tender age of 23: The Body Of Benjamin Franklin Printer (Like the cover of an old book Its contents torn out And stript of its lettering and gilding) Lies here, food for worms, But the work shall not be lost For it will (as he believed) appear once more In a new and more elegant edition Revised and corrected By