"Benito Creno" by Herman Melville.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Captain Delano's Character There's always that person who is just too nice and innocent to survive in society. Sometimes society just has to bit the bullet and think the un- thinkable. Captain Delano was a good natured and observant person through out the story. He was observant, but that did not allow him to fit things together that were going on in front of him. He was a sea captain from Massachusetts, and runs the …

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…have been the brightest and most observant but he did have some things to say that were greatly admired and made logical sense and that contritubuted to his niceness in character, even though he wasn't so alert and up beat. He helps Benito and his crew with out even knowing him and risks his life and his crews. He may not have been the most intelligent person but he did what needed to be done.